Payment Method | Qty 1 - 19 | Qty 20 - 99 | Qty 100 - 499 | Qty 500+ |
Cashier's | $35.71 | $35.46 | $35.21 | $34.96 |
Check | $35.71 | $35.46 | $35.21 | $34.96 |
Wire | $35.71 | $35.46 | $35.21 | $34.96 |
Cash | $35.82 | $35.57 | $35.32 | $35.06 |
Paypal | $36.78 | $36.52 | $36.27 | $36.01 |
Pin Debit | $36.96 | $36.70 | $36.44 | $36.18 |
Historic quotes are hard to accurately attribute to the correct person who first uttered the phrase. President Thomas Jefferson is often given credit for the quotation "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty". Whether he said it or not, this alleged Jefferson quote rings true to early Americans who understood the need to remain on guard as the young nation emerged from British tyranny.